Lena Meyer-Landrut suffers a double fracture of the sacrum in a riding accident

Lena Meyer-Landrut According to his own statements, he suffered a double fracture of the sacrum in a riding accident. The singer from Hanover announced this on Instagram on Tuesday. The 32-year-old fell off her horse. “I’m trying to recover as best I can now, do it calmly and slowly,” wrote Meyer-Landrut.
Addressing her fans, she wrote: “Take care of yourselves as far as possible.” Numerous people on Instagram wished her a speedy recovery. The singer also shared a picture of the X-ray on Instagram, where she marked the fracture with a pink heart. The sacrum is a cone-shaped bone at the bottom of the spine that connects to the pelvis.
Meyer-Landrut recently released her first single after a long break with “What I Want”. She plans to release her sixth studio album early next year. She became known with the song “Satellite” and won the Eurovision Song Contest for Germany in 2010.