How to make new friends over 30

We are healthier and more confident when we maintain good friendships.
Image: Stocksy
In childhood and adolescence, friendships often form naturally. The older you get, however, the more difficult it is to develop an intimate relationship with new people. But it can work.
Katja felt lonely. She moved from Munich to Mainz at the end of 2019 for a new job. In the beginning she often drove to her old home on the weekends – then Corona and the lockdown came. The 29-year-old (who, like the other young women in this text, actually has a different name) only saw her friends Skype or Zoom.
She only had professional contact with her work colleagues, but knew that she would probably not get to know anyone else for the time being. The fact that she lived alone and was single didn’t make it any easier. She over-sought the exchange she craved in real life social media. She followed many of her work colleagues on Instagram. From a colleague who was very active on the platform, Katja liked a few posts and started replying to their stories regularly. The two exchanged harmless messages with each other from time to time and finally agreed to go for a walk.